HedgeHearts: a film by Liz Hara

Sometimes love gets a little bit prickly…

In this woodland puppet rom-com, Lily the hedgehog helps her best friend Marco woo the girl of his dreams, but discovers that hiding her feelings can’t protect her heart.

A message from Marco and Lily

Watch HedgeHearts


Learn more about the creative team

Marco chats with Liz Hara about the writing of HedgeHearts

Lily learns what a Puppet Captain does in her interview with Victor Yerrid

Stay in touch!

Find out more about upcoming screenings and festivals (or feel free to message Marco and Lily directly for questionable love advice).

For Further Inquiries

Rothman Brecher Erich Livingston

Nicholas Harsh nharsh@rbelagency.com

(310) 432-4625

Synchronicity Management

Adam Peck theadampeck@gmail.com

(310) 246-1477